Making Pizza Dough in a Bread Maker

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I really can't recommend bread makers enough. They are great tools. Waking up every morning to the smell of fresh bread is amazing. Even better? Spreading butter over warm bread. Over a year or so of making your own bread, a bread machine will also save you money; it costs about $8 for several weeks worth of bread flour. You'll also give yourself access to tons of bread variety - there are vast tomes of bread machine recipes out there.

All that said? That's not why we're here. I like to talk about pizza sauce recipes. And pizza sauce needs to go on a pizza crust. Today, I'd like to detail my recipe for pizza dough, using a bread maker.

This will make a pizza crust between 14 and 16 inches.

Water-----------1 cup
Olive Oil---------1.5 tbs
Salt-------------.5 tsp
all purpose flour- 1.5 cups
wheat flour------1.5 cups
baking yeast---- 1.5 tsp

It's best to put in your liquid ingredients first, followed by flour and salt. Make sure to put the salt in one corner of the bread maker, you don't want to deactivate the yeast accidentally. Even out the ingredients, a good tap against the countertop will work, then put a small divot in the flour for your yeast. Your bread maker will have a "dough" setting. That's what you want to use--obviously we don't want to bake the dough in the maker!

When the dough is finished, roll it out into your preferred shape, square works pretty well if you lack a pizza stone. Place your index of your non-dominant hand along the side of the crust and use the index finger of your dominant hand to fold the edge of the dough over your index finger. This will form a small "roll" in the dough. By repeating that process along the whole edge of the dough, you'll form a crust that will bake up nicely.

There you are! You've made a crust. Slather it with pizza sauce and put on toppings, then bake. I like to bake at 325 for about 25 minutes, long enough to bake the crust, without burning the cheese. Try it out and let me know what you think!

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What Is All The Hype About Green Tea

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The Benefits of Green Tea as a Dietary Supplement

Speaking of tea, it is a usual name for a plant relative of most flowering
shrub. The groups of plants that can be produced as tea have about 600
species existing for 28 generations. It is also raised in steamy and
tropical climate. Bust most of the species of tea grows naturally in all
parts of Asia and in some parts of Middle America.

The tea shrub is a native plants that grows naturally in the Southeast Asia
are being used as a brewed from dried out leaves. It is also being drunk in
some parts of Asia especially people in China. According to history, people
started using tea as a beverage ever since the start of 28th century BC and
the middle part of 10th century BC. There are Chinese historians with
remarkable records that declare that the tea powder was being kept to
survive a good many years.

After bringing it to some parts of Europe, England became the capital of tea
drinking country. Dutch are the one responsible of bringing the tea in their
continent. The British Company who keeps on trading with them also
introduced it to America. The British then monopolized the worldwide tea
production and they put a heavy tax on the said product.

In the end tea become one of the most in demand beverages, some of the
European country conducted a party for tea drinkers relatively than coffee
drinkers. Tea is the staple drink of three fourths of the population

Countries with many tea drinkers are Asia, Europe and North America. The
main producers of tea are Asian countries like Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Japan,
Malaysia, Taiwan and some other primary manufacturer.

One of the most popular kinds of tea is green tea. Green tea came from leaf
buds and young leaves. In some country like China, they add some aroma to
make the tea smells and taste better.

Since then tea became a scented drink for tea drinkers. Tea has also
caffeine but lower in content compared to coffee. The absorption of caffeine
content is only 4.5 percent.

Now the question is what are the health benefits that we can get from green

The press and advertising claim that green tea is a very effective
antioxidant and a very strong and useful anticancer agent. Base also on the
study that drinking green tea regularly can be able to lessen the heartbeat
failures and it helps in regulating blood pressure.

Green tea is also useful for the dietary allowance because of the fact that
it helps the stomach to digest well and be able to have a pleasant digestive

There are researches and studies that are wanting of the concise conclusion
about the benefits of green tea. However, there are proofs from the
laboratories declare that green tea has no harmful substances to give a
negative effect in our body.

It does not contain any chemicals that can trigger up the chemical reactions
to promote cancer cells. Aside from this green tea can be able to assist how
to stop the growth of carcinogenic substances in our body. Carcinogenic
substances are the primary cause of cancer and tumor cells.

Another thing is that a chemical originate from green tea called
"polyphonics" have revealed that it is a good antioxidant potential that both
in the laboratory and in the body of humans.

Presently, research shows that drinking green tea regularly and having it as
part of our diet can lessen the cholesterol content inside our body. We are
all well aware that too much cholesterol intake in our body can cause heart
failures and clogged arteries.

Green tea can also diminish the effect of LDL "low-density lipoprotein" and
the HDL "high-density lipoprotein". Researches explain that LDL and HDL are
responsible for causing heart diseases that may lead to death. In also
supplies unnecessary substances that assembled up inside the arteries and
after sometimes the arteries clogs.

Another thing is that study shows that green tea can be able to take out the
bacteria and viruses that reside in the human body that prop up illnesses
like colds, diarrhea, influenza and kidney troubles.

So why not try green tea as an alternative drink, after all it is a healthy
thing to do.

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Leftovers Your Loss Or Gain? Don't Turn Your Nose Up - Read The Article First

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Who wants Leftovers? I do and you should too, when talking about food storage this is one of the main areas we should be concerned about.

When you think about it when first purchasing the majority of foods with the exception of fresh vegetables, most food is canned,packaged, and has traveled to your favorite Supermarket or Grocery store. It arrives fresh and in good condition until you open the package or break the seal.

Leftover food storage is a different story as a lot of people turn their noses up at leftovers and believe that no one would want to eat them or they are simply forgotten somewhere in the refrigerator. But with the economy and different financial reasons this type of mindset has changed for a lot of people.

Well I can't speak for you but I hate to waste food as it is like throwing away money. And as I tell my kids "there is someone that would love to eat that day old food."

A major inconvenience with saving leftovers is;

1) Finding what to store them in. (Do I have a seal or lid for this bowl)

2) Is it a smelly food like Fish/Cabbage?

3) Will I remember the food before the smell takes over the refrigerator?

4) Knowing how long the food will keep.

Although we have a number of bowls and containers sometimes the challenge is finding the seal or lid. This can be frustrating and causes a little discussion between my wife and I. After 23 years of marriage you would think I would know how to pick my battles.

There are a number of container manufacturers who have come up with concepts to either keep your seals connected with the bowls or organized together.

Another problem with this type of food storage is knowing what is in that lump of aluminum foil,plastic wrap, or colored container in the back of the refrigerator. The key is to use clear air tight containers in the fridge and try to keep these items in the front of the fridge not hidden in the back. Save your color containers for the counter top or pantry.

Some foods just don't store well like chicken,potato salad, macaroni especially if they are above the top of the container line. What I'm saying is that every food does not fit perfectly in a container with a flat seal. Certain manufacturers have products with expandable seals or lids which conform to the shape at the top of the bowl.

Some people don't like to put their different types of food in the same container,as the foods touch or mix together. Believe it or not I have a 40 year old cousin who I remember had a fit when her food touched at 5 years old that hasn't changed a bit. I don't even care as its all going to the same place. They have divided serving dishes just like you had as a baby and they're even microwavable.

Leftovers are just as important as your initial grocery purchase. When you buy groceries with your coupons and our food buying tips you are trying to save money, so stretching your meal also saves money.

My wife and I generally take our food from the night before to work for lunch saving us at least $10-$16 a day.

Just a small investment in some decent clear air tight food grade containers could save you time (cooking) and money so don't look at it as yesterdays food but tomorrows savings!!!!

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Drinking Water Bottle "Bugs"

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Drinking water bottles are ubiquitous in the U.S. - and in many other developed countries as well. Children carry drinking water bottles to school. Parents carry drinking water bottles as they commute to work, children's soccer games, etc. Some people have begun carrying drinking water bottles to church with them. Athletes always seem to have a drinking water bottle with them.


A major reason for using drinking water bottles is the convenience they offer. Water can be taken almost anywhere. Drinking water bottles involve little cost, and their loss is not a problem. When they are empty, they need not be carried home. They can simply be placed in a recycle bin or other waste disposal.

What happens, though, when drinking water bottles are not recycled?

The Danger

Disposing of drinking water bottles is the best idea, but many people refill them. If they empty the bottle while jogging, they stop and refill it at a water fountain. If they have a filter at home, they refill drinking water bottles from the filter. At work, they may refill a drinking water bottle from the water cooler. Each time, they may be putting healthy drinking water into the bottle, but is this a safe practice? Or is there danger in refilling disposable drinking water bottles?

The danger is not, as claimed by an old internet urban legend, that the bottles will break down into carcinogenic compounds. That plastic scare originated with the master's thesis of an undergraduate student who did not conduct sufficient scientific study before publishing his thesis. USFDA standards control the type of plastic used for bottled water.

Can plastic drinking water bottles break down? Can plastic leach into the water when you refill them? Possibly. It is said that some bottles, even those approved by the USFDA, do indeed leach into water - even before you open the bottle.


Although your plastic drinking water bottles may not break down into cancer-causing compounds, and may not leach plastic into your water, they do contain bacteria. Bacteria can grow and reproduce rapidly in an empty plastic drinking water bottle.

Consider this. Each time you take a drink from that drinking water bottle, you deposit bacteria from your mouth on the rim of the bottle. If you refill the bottle without washing it, you simply flush the bacteria into your water. The problem is compounded if the bottle is empty for a while, and allowed to get warm. Bacteria then have an ideal environment for reproduction.

But They Are MY Bugs

Many (not all) of the bacteria are indeed from your mouth. However, in your system, your body regulates them at reasonable levels. Bacteria in the drinking water bottle are no longer regulated. They can reproduce rapidly. In addition, other germs will enter the bottle from the air, mingling with those from your mouth.

Washing Helps

Washing the bottle thoroughly will destroy most of the bacteria. The bottle must be washed after each use, before refilling. You must wash the neck of the bottle and the entire inside. This means you cannot stop for a refill at the drinking fountain in the park. You cannot refill it at the water cooler and take it back to your desk. The only way to have healthy drinking water is to use drinking water bottles only once, or wash them thoroughly before refilling.

Since very hot water is the best way to get the bottle clean, a dishwasher is recommended. You will have to place the bottle on the top rack, since the plastic is not designed for high temperature. When the wash cycle ends, remove your drinking water bottle immediately before the dry cycle can begin.


Finally, when you take the clean drinking water bottle from your dishwasher, place it into the freezer immediately. This will keep germs from getting into the bottle. It will also keep mold from forming. When you are ready to use it, take the clean drinking water bottle from the freezer, fill, and cap.

Disposable plastic drinking water bottles are convenient, but don't sacrifice your health. Cheap Cricut cartridges Portable Generators Reviews

Interesting Popcorn History

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Popcorn is one of the most beloved snack foods in the world. People have been eating popcorn for centuries. It is a low fat, relatively inexpensive treat that can be enjoyed year round. Many people do not realize popcorn has such an interesting history.

Popcorn was invented by Native Americans in Mexico. The oldest ears of popcorn were found by archeologists in New Mexico. These ears were found to be around 2,000 years old.

Popcorn spread to India and China before eventually ending up in North American where it was brought by European explorers. It caught on quick with the colonists in North America.

The colonists loved popcorn so much that they actually ate it for breakfast with cream and sugar. It is thought it was the first type of cereal.

Native Americans popped popcorn by throwing it on a stone in the fire. Eventually, they began popping it in clay and stone pots, which is how many tribes still pop it today. Popcorn is popped today in a variety of containers from popcorn machines to a pot on the stove to bags in the microwave.

The microwave oven was actually invented due to scientists trying to pop popcorn using microwaves. Today popping popcorn is one of the top uses for a microwave. It is such a common action that the majority of microwaves come with a popcorn button allowing for easy one touch popping.

During the Great Depression and World War II, popcorn was a popular snack food. This was due to the rationing of other snack foods and the availability and low cost of popcorn. The invention of the television slowed popcorn sales as more people were staying home and not going to the theater which at that time served as the major selling point for popcorn.

In 1885 Charles Cretors invented the first popcorn machine. As the steam engine became introduced, mobile popcorn machines were soon seen on street corners in towns across the United States.

Popcorn is a treasured treat. People all over the world enjoy eating popcorn. There are a variety of flavors and types of popcorn, ranging from the sweet to the savory. People add flavors such as caramel, cayenne and the traditional butter.

Popcorn is a tasty and interesting snack food. It is predominantly produced in the United States, specifically the mid western states. However, it is sold around the world.

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What is So Special About a Zojirushi Bread Machine?

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If you love the flavor and aroma of freshly baked bread then a Zojirushi bread machine should be a part of your kitchen. There are a lot of bread makers on the market today but a Zojirushi machine is the cream of the crop. They may be more expensive than other machines but they are high end machines of the highest quality and consistently produce great results.

Often times you get what you pay for and if you decide to go with a $50 bread maker you will likely have inferior results with bread that is either burned, under cooked, has poor texture, is too dense, or any one of a number of problems frequently encountered with substandard machines. If you are fortunate enough to get a quality loaf of bread from a cheap bread maker there is a good chance that the machine will not last very long and you will be shopping for another one before you know it.

The Zojirushi company has been in business for over 80 years making durable, top quality kitchen appliances. If you take a little time to research some of the reviews online you will see that Zojirushi bread machines consistently get very high ratings from customers that have been using these machines for years. It may be tempting to go with a less expensive machine but if you want to be able to make consistently delicious bread and have a machine that lasts for many years you simply can't go wrong with a Zojirushi bread machine.

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Stay Healthy With My Tips on How to Prepare Easy Healthy Family Recipes

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Preparing healthy recipes seems too tough and time consuming to most people. But with some advance planning and gathering most basic knowledge of nutrition, it is easy to create a week's valued of healthy meals. The important key to make quick and healthy meals for the family is planning.

Planning ahead of time a whole week of healthy recipe meals is the best way to produce dishes that you and your family loved, while saving cost and time commitment to a minimum. Below are some great tips you can utilize to prepare healthy delicious meals right away.

Healthy Cooking Recipe Tip #1:

Cooking large quantities of healthy food recipes and freezing the leftovers is a great way to save time. Making double and even triple batches of stews, casseroles, soups, and pasta, and freezing the leftovers for later use, can save up both your time and money.

When freezing leftovers, however, it is essential to mark the containers carefully, utilizing freezer tape and a permanent marker. Try to arrange the oldest foods near the top to avoid having to throw away expired items.

Healthy Cooking Recipe Tip #2:

Maintaining a well stocked pantry is as important as keeping a well stocked freezer. Stocking the pantry with a good supply of staple items like canned vegetables, canned fruits, soup stocks and the like will produce healthy cooking recipe planning much faster and smoother.

Stocking the pantry can save up your money as well as time. Grocery stores are always running sales, and these sales are a great time to stock up. Buying various cases of canned vegetables during sale offer, for instance can save lots of money and provide the basic ingredients for many nutritious, easy to set up meals.

Healthy Cooking Recipe Tip #3:

Make use of convenient electrical appliances such as microwaves and slow cookers will save you huge mount of time when preparing meals. There are a lot of easy and healthy food recipes that can be started in the morning and left to cook all day in a crock pot or slow cooker.

There are many microwavable healthy family meals you can prepare at home. Use single serving microwave safe containers so that each member of the family can eat on their own schedule.

Healthy Cooking Recipe Tip #4:

Encourage family member to get involved when making your weekly meal plan by compiling their comment and taking down everyone's favorite foods. It is still very important to eat healthy meals, by avoiding taking heavy meals during dinner. By getting your family members involved in the healthy family recipe preparation, you can help to increase their interest in healthy eating right away.

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Stay Healthy With My Tips on How to Prepare Easy Healthy Family Recipes

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Preparing healthy recipes seems too tough and time consuming to most people. But with some advance planning and gathering most basic knowledge of nutrition, it is easy to create a week's valued of healthy meals. The important key to make quick and healthy meals for the family is planning.

Planning ahead of time a whole week of healthy recipe meals is the best way to produce dishes that you and your family loved, while saving cost and time commitment to a minimum. Below are some great tips you can utilize to prepare healthy delicious meals right away.

Healthy Cooking Recipe Tip #1:

Cooking large quantities of healthy food recipes and freezing the leftovers is a great way to save time. Making double and even triple batches of stews, casseroles, soups, and pasta, and freezing the leftovers for later use, can save up both your time and money.

When freezing leftovers, however, it is essential to mark the containers carefully, utilizing freezer tape and a permanent marker. Try to arrange the oldest foods near the top to avoid having to throw away expired items.

Healthy Cooking Recipe Tip #2:

Maintaining a well stocked pantry is as important as keeping a well stocked freezer. Stocking the pantry with a good supply of staple items like canned vegetables, canned fruits, soup stocks and the like will produce healthy cooking recipe planning much faster and smoother.

Stocking the pantry can save up your money as well as time. Grocery stores are always running sales, and these sales are a great time to stock up. Buying various cases of canned vegetables during sale offer, for instance can save lots of money and provide the basic ingredients for many nutritious, easy to set up meals.

Healthy Cooking Recipe Tip #3:

Make use of convenient electrical appliances such as microwaves and slow cookers will save you huge mount of time when preparing meals. There are a lot of easy and healthy food recipes that can be started in the morning and left to cook all day in a crock pot or slow cooker.

There are many microwavable healthy family meals you can prepare at home. Use single serving microwave safe containers so that each member of the family can eat on their own schedule.

Healthy Cooking Recipe Tip #4:

Encourage family member to get involved when making your weekly meal plan by compiling their comment and taking down everyone's favorite foods. It is still very important to eat healthy meals, by avoiding taking heavy meals during dinner. By getting your family members involved in the healthy family recipe preparation, you can help to increase their interest in healthy eating right away.

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Stay Healthy With My Tips on How to Prepare Easy Healthy Family Recipes

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Preparing healthy recipes seems too tough and time consuming to most people. But with some advance planning and gathering most basic knowledge of nutrition, it is easy to create a week's valued of healthy meals. The important key to make quick and healthy meals for the family is planning.

Planning ahead of time a whole week of healthy recipe meals is the best way to produce dishes that you and your family loved, while saving cost and time commitment to a minimum. Below are some great tips you can utilize to prepare healthy delicious meals right away.

Healthy Cooking Recipe Tip #1:

Cooking large quantities of healthy food recipes and freezing the leftovers is a great way to save time. Making double and even triple batches of stews, casseroles, soups, and pasta, and freezing the leftovers for later use, can save up both your time and money.

When freezing leftovers, however, it is essential to mark the containers carefully, utilizing freezer tape and a permanent marker. Try to arrange the oldest foods near the top to avoid having to throw away expired items.

Healthy Cooking Recipe Tip #2:

Maintaining a well stocked pantry is as important as keeping a well stocked freezer. Stocking the pantry with a good supply of staple items like canned vegetables, canned fruits, soup stocks and the like will produce healthy cooking recipe planning much faster and smoother.

Stocking the pantry can save up your money as well as time. Grocery stores are always running sales, and these sales are a great time to stock up. Buying various cases of canned vegetables during sale offer, for instance can save lots of money and provide the basic ingredients for many nutritious, easy to set up meals.

Healthy Cooking Recipe Tip #3:

Make use of convenient electrical appliances such as microwaves and slow cookers will save you huge mount of time when preparing meals. There are a lot of easy and healthy food recipes that can be started in the morning and left to cook all day in a crock pot or slow cooker.

There are many microwavable healthy family meals you can prepare at home. Use single serving microwave safe containers so that each member of the family can eat on their own schedule.

Healthy Cooking Recipe Tip #4:

Encourage family member to get involved when making your weekly meal plan by compiling their comment and taking down everyone's favorite foods. It is still very important to eat healthy meals, by avoiding taking heavy meals during dinner. By getting your family members involved in the healthy family recipe preparation, you can help to increase their interest in healthy eating right away.

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Entertaining Overnight Guests and Making Sure No One Goes Hungry

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Having guests to visit can be a lot of fun, but it can also be stressful if you worry about what on earth you will feed them during their stay. Having extra mouths to feed doesn't have to be difficult though and in this article I'll share the secrets to planning meals that will have your guests wanting to make a return visit.

1. Planning

Planning is key to being a successful host. You'll need to write a list of the meals you will prepare and make sure you have time to go to the store to buy the groceries you will need. You'll also want to make sure you have enough plates and cutlery.

Before you even make a start on the menu ask your guests whether they have any allergies or intolerances. You'll also need to check whether they are vegetarian.

2. Preparation

If you can prepare much of the menu in advance and either freeze or refrigerate it. Don't forget that your guests are coming to spend time with you so you don't want to spend all of the time in the kitchen slaving over a hot stove.

3. Lunch

Sandwiches are probably the best option for lunch as they are quick and easy to prepare. Make sure you have a variety of cheeses and deli meats as well as mayo and other dressings. Packaged salads are a great option too.

4. Dinner

Think about foods you can prepare ahead of time such as bolognese sauce or casseroles. Make sure you have plenty of fresh vegetables on hand and if you have a breadmaker add some fresh from the oven bread rolls.

Deserts always go down well with guests so bake a chocolate cake or rustle up an apple crumble with custard.

5. Morning Coffee

Your guests may well be up and about before you so lay out coffee before you go to bed. You can have the cups, sugar and cream set out and if you have a timer on your coffee-maker you can prepare the coffee the night before.

6. Breakfast

Stock up on milk and cereals as well as plenty of bread and condiments for toast. You can make breakfast a special occasion by whipping up fresh pancakes or french toast for your guests. Omelets are also a great idea as you can personalise the ingredients.

Remember that your guests are coming to spend time with you and are not expecting a gourmet banquet. Make sure you take some time to plan and prepare in advance and your meals will be a hit.

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Say Thanks to the Earl of Sandwich

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It's an idea so simple that is has infiltrated each meal and become a staple in nearly every household. It has so many different variations that you could possibly have a different one each day during the year. The sandwich is made by moms everywhere, the working man's lunch or a hiker's snack. But this creation hasn't always been around to tantalize and cure a bad case of hunger, who is responsible for this tasty treat?

Why, royalty, of course. It is rumored that John Montagu, the 4th Earl of Sandwich in England had an epiphany one day. He asked that slices of meat be placed between two pieces of bread. What historians have discovered more recently is that he may not have been the one responsible for thinking up this meal. However, he often demanded that it be brought to him at his work desk or the gambling table.

Other countries have staked their own claim to the sandwich as well. During the Jewish passover, lamb meat is presented between two pieces of matzah bread. In the Middle Ages pieces of hardened bread were used as plates and in the late 1800's members of the aristocracy requested sandwiches as late-night snacks. With the rise of industrialism in France and elsewhere in the early twentieth century, the sandwich become popular among working class laborers.

So as you can see, people around the world have created their own version for hundreds of years. Whether or not he was the true creator of the sandwich, John Montagu became a mascot for it. A true sandwich lover from the start, he is sure to have gleaned some pleasure from having this namesake given to such a convenient invention. As a busy man hard at work in the navy, enjoying the arts, or gambling, the sandwich provided him with all the nutrition he needed.

It is likely that even the 4th Earl of Sandwich would be surprised at how his simple sandwich has transformed the way that we eat today. From a basic Turkey B.L.T to a goat cheese and spinach creation, there is a sandwich to please everyone in your family. Sandwich shops are always thinking about new ideas to surprise and delight your palate. Dream up a virtual sandwich and see if your local shop can whip it up and make it a reality. Who knows, it may become the next gastronomical craze.

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Easy homemade bread dough machine

Here is a simple video on how to make homemade pasta without any disorder. Take a class $ 70, or see this video 3 minutes. Pasta Recipe 1 cup flour 1 large egg 3 / 4 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon oil 1-2 tablespoons of water to help make bread machine connected to ball as it should take about 10 minutes. remove when it is pleasant texture wrap plastics film are achieved, it can work for 20 minutes with a pasta machine. Contributed by Rob Wellens Productions

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£ 3 Emerilware Bread Maker with Baguette Trays

For more information or Buy It Now: Experience hot, fresh bread at any time with 3 pounds Emerilware Bread Maker with Baguette Trays. Equipped with 2 pounds, 2-1/2 pounds and 3 pounds of bread options, and 14 pre-programmed ... Prices on the previously recorded video may not show the actual price. View to view the current selling price. HSN Item # 367 270

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Old-Fashion Doughnut Recipes From Grandma's Old Metal Recipe Box

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Here are a couple of recipes for homemade doughnuts. Remember the mouthwatering activity of making doughnuts with grandma or mom on long winter evenings? Now you can do the same with your family! Gather the kids in the kitchen and let them see that all doughnuts do not come from a doughtnut shop or the grocery store deli. Making donuts is a perfect way to involve the whole family and make some special family memories.


1 cup milk
1 pkg dry yeast
1/2 cup lukewarm water
1 tsp sugar
1/4 cup shortening
1/4 cup sugar
1 egg, well beaten
1 tsp salt
3 1/2 cups flour

Scald one cup milk and cool to lukewarm. Dissovle yeast in bowl in lukewarm water and 1 tsp sugar. When foamy, add to cooled milk. Stir in shortening, 1/4 cup sugar, egg, and salt. Beat in flour. On floured board, knead until smooth. Place in a greased bowl, let rise to doubled. Punch down and let rise until doubled again. Roll dough 1/2" thick and cut with a doughnut cutter. Cover and let rise until light and fluffy. Fry in deep hot fat. Glaze with a water and sugar mixture. Note: You can also frost and decorate with colorful sprinkles, if desired.


1 cup sugar
2 eggs, beaten
1/2 cup sour milk
1 tsp soda
1/2 cup sweet milk
1 tsp baking powder
2 tbsp melted lard or shortening
1 tsp vanilla
pinch of salt

Mix sugar and eggs together. Add sour milk and soda mixed in milk. Add sweet milk and melted lard. And vanilla and flour with salt and baking powder mixed into the flour. Use enough flour to make a dough stiff enough to roll and cut donuts with a donut cutter. Makes 30.

Note: Sour milk is buttermilk; sweet milk is regular milk


Grandma Linda shares more of her vintage recipes on her blog at For Linda's diabetic recipes and information go to

Save money with a bit of bread baking machine

Save money by using your bread for only 60 cents for bread.

5 Bread Maker Recipe Tips

Bakers are one of the great inventions of our time, that everything could be so simple, but for some reason is making great bread always seems so difficult. However, there is nothing to complain and wonder why the bread is always wrong when, for some of my favorite tips below you can instantly be creating some of the best tasting, healthier and more beautiful than ever bread.

When baking bread is always sure to have the right kind of flour, with the wrongThe bread flour is just too hard and crunchy. Bread flour contains more protein than flour, that is, if you cook the bread with flour bread gets stronger, bigger and softer bread. Guarantee means you are using bread flour and the bread is healthier for you and have more positive effects.

If you often have problems with the bread tops with wrinkles is a great solution to your problem. Add 2 teaspoons of rye flour for every cup of flour you use inThe recipe is from the tops of bread with a rough and make it look better to stop.

When you add all ingredients into bread machine to make sure you add in the correct order every time. In general, the best way to do this is to pour all the liquid or the machine, then add the solids, then yeast. Or you can do it in reverse, by first adding the yeast, then solids, then all your liquids. The reason for this is that the moisture activated all the wayYeast, so if the yeast is mixed with the liquid before the bread has also begun to go bake the bread tastes bad.

Make sure the water is at room temperature in cooking food. If cold water is used to bake, not activated, so do not pick up the yeast, the bread and cook properly. When hot water is used in the kitchen faster than the yeast causes the bread to rise too much too fast and too long. With very hot water to kill completelyyeast.

The last tip I leave today for you always the bread machine manual and all information leaflets supplied with the machine is in these magazines often contain useful information and advice for using the bread machine to make bread taste best ever. Even if the computer with a surge protector Between it and the wall, as computer chips, bread machines are very sensitive to voltage fluctuations and, as such, when a wave hits the machine could Scramble System.

ThatsAll from me today, have fun and happy cooking.

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