Grilling the Perfect Steak or Not?

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One of America's favorite ways to prepare food - summertime, or not, is 'on the grill.' Nothing tastes better than steak or chicken that has been cooked on an open flame. However, the reality is, that anytime you cook meat at high temperatures, you create some nasty chemicals -- HCA's (heterocyclic amines,) PAH's (polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons,) and AGE's (advanced glycation end products.) Still thinking of grilling the perfect steak?

HCA's - unquestionably the worst byproduct of grilling -- are carcinogenic chemicals that show up in the blackened or charred section of the food. PAH's, also carcinogenic, are transferred into your food by the smoke that results when excess fat drips on the heat source. And AGE's, which result from the high temperatures, can build up over time and lead to oxidative stress; inflammation; and increased risk of heart disease, diabetes and kidney disease.

Additionally, over-cooked meat is harder to digest, making it more difficult to absorb and function effectively at a cellular level, leaving cells undernourished and working less efficiently.

So, assuming you still want to, how can you enjoy the convenience and taste of grilling, and minimize some of the risks?

I believe in the 80-20 rule. If you maintain a healthy diet - one that is free of sugar and refined, processed, chemically laden food - 80% of the time, your immune system will be able to compensate for the damage caused by eating grilled meat.

So, unless your health is already compromised by illness, go ahead and follow these simple tips before you light up; they will drastically reduce the harmful substances formed by grilling:

o Marinate steak in red wine or beer for six hours; this can cut levels of HCA's by up to 90%.
o Use a sauce made of olive oil, lemon and garlic for chicken, lowering the HCA levels in grilled chicken by 90%.
o Limit the amount of grilled food you eat, and make sure there are plenty of fresh vegetables on your plate.
o Use grass-fed meats
o Trim fat and use a rack or cook on a cedar plank and avoid eating the charred, blackened portions.
o Cook meat partially before grilling, reducing the time the meat is exposed to HCA's.
o Flip burgers often.

Grilling the perfect steak is still an option - just remember the risks and take care when doing so.

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