Entertaining Overnight Guests and Making Sure No One Goes Hungry

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Having guests to visit can be a lot of fun, but it can also be stressful if you worry about what on earth you will feed them during their stay. Having extra mouths to feed doesn't have to be difficult though and in this article I'll share the secrets to planning meals that will have your guests wanting to make a return visit.

1. Planning

Planning is key to being a successful host. You'll need to write a list of the meals you will prepare and make sure you have time to go to the store to buy the groceries you will need. You'll also want to make sure you have enough plates and cutlery.

Before you even make a start on the menu ask your guests whether they have any allergies or intolerances. You'll also need to check whether they are vegetarian.

2. Preparation

If you can prepare much of the menu in advance and either freeze or refrigerate it. Don't forget that your guests are coming to spend time with you so you don't want to spend all of the time in the kitchen slaving over a hot stove.

3. Lunch

Sandwiches are probably the best option for lunch as they are quick and easy to prepare. Make sure you have a variety of cheeses and deli meats as well as mayo and other dressings. Packaged salads are a great option too.

4. Dinner

Think about foods you can prepare ahead of time such as bolognese sauce or casseroles. Make sure you have plenty of fresh vegetables on hand and if you have a breadmaker add some fresh from the oven bread rolls.

Deserts always go down well with guests so bake a chocolate cake or rustle up an apple crumble with custard.

5. Morning Coffee

Your guests may well be up and about before you so lay out coffee before you go to bed. You can have the cups, sugar and cream set out and if you have a timer on your coffee-maker you can prepare the coffee the night before.

6. Breakfast

Stock up on milk and cereals as well as plenty of bread and condiments for toast. You can make breakfast a special occasion by whipping up fresh pancakes or french toast for your guests. Omelets are also a great idea as you can personalise the ingredients.

Remember that your guests are coming to spend time with you and are not expecting a gourmet banquet. Make sure you take some time to plan and prepare in advance and your meals will be a hit.

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