Are You Buying the Right Juicer?

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When it comes to buying a juicer for your home use, you need to consider a few important things. The first is what type of juice you plan on making most of the time because different machines work better with certain types of fruits and vegetables than others.

A centrifuge juicer is the most common, and if you are new to juicing, not sure if you will enjoy it, or simply don't have a lot of money to spend on a machine, this is a good choice. A centrifuge juicer works by grating the food into small pieces and then spinning it around in a fine mesh basket at a high RPM (revolutions per minute). The food is pressed against the screen, resulting in juice. This is a great choice when you plan on doing a lot of fruit juices or soft vegetables.

A masticator or single augur juicer is a higher end machine that works by chewing, or grinding the food up. This process results in a higher juice yield, and drier pulp. Because the masticator machine operates at a slower RPM, the nutrients are better preserved with this process than a centrifugal machine. This is a good choice if you plan on juicing a wider variety of fruits and vegetables, including leafy greens and wheatgrass.

A triturating or twin gear machine is generally the highest quality of juicer that you can purchase for home use. If you plan on juicing a lot, or want to do a lot of leafy green vegetables and wheat grass, this is the machine for you. It works by pressing food through the twin gears, creating a higher yield of juice. They work at very low RPM resulting in juice rich in enzymes and nutrients.

It is important to look for a juicer that is easy to clean and care for. Look for a machine that has snap apart pieces making it easy to access all areas. Dishwasher safe components result in easier cleaning. Some machines come with helpful brushes for accessing hard to reach areas. A removable pulp basket is a must, for quick and easy emptying of the pulp. Some machines allow you to remove the pulp basket during operation which allows you to continue juicing.

You have to feed fruits and vegetables into the machine, so be sure to check the chute size. If you plan on juicing a lot of apples, you will want a larger chute. It is not very convenient to have to chop your produce into a lot of little pieces before juicing. It is also a time saver if you can put large or even whole pieces of produce into the machine.

Tip: If the presence of nutrients and vitamins in the juice is very important to you, choose a masticator or triturating machine, as they produce less nutrient and enzyme damaging heat.

For everything you need to know about buying the right Juicer go to Juicer Buying Guide

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