Zojirushi BB-Hac10 - Why I Love It

Image : http://www.flickr.com

Why do I love the Zojirushi BB-Hac10? Well, because it is the ideal breadmaker for someone like me with very limited space. There is only two of us left at home now that the kids are all grown up and the mini 1 pound loaf is just the right size for us. We can have fresh baked homemade bread every day!

This machine is relatively quiet compared to others and because of its compact size it fits in perfectly in our tiny kitchen. If you have a real space problem in your kitchen then this is the one for you.

Another thing that is very important to me is that it has to be programmable. It is not always possible for me to start the baking process at the right time so I can have the bread when I need it. Now with this machine all I have to do is program it to start when I want it to.

Now I have to admit, there is something people complain a lot about and that is the hole bread machines make in your bread. Well, because this one has a very small and thin mixing paddle the hole is very small. This should please those that do not like the hole, me personally, I couldn't care less; it's the tasty bread that counts.

What I see a lot on the internet is people looking for recipes. So, the fact that this one includes a very good recipe book with a variety breads and cakes that you can make in it. Sure, once you know yours you can improvise, but it is good to get the "feel" for it first.

So, now you know why I like the zojirushi bb-hac10 mini breadmaker.

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