Pure Water Or Pure Bull

Image : http://www.flickr.com

Municipal water purification can only go so far and no more. Despite chlorination, there are still bacteria in our drinking water. One reason for this is that some waterborne parasites like giardia and cryptosporidium are to some extent chlorine resistant.

But even chlorine itself is harmful. When it combines with your hair, skin or just with any part of your body, it form's by-products which are carcinogenic.

And to add insult to injury, over the past couple years, an increasing number of studies have shown that pharmaceutical drugs have been found in our water supply.

The most famous of these studies was done by the Associated Press. They found cancers pills, drugs, antibiotics, anti-depressants, sex hormone medication and a whole host of other drugs in the water supply that serves 40 million Americans.

When you add up all of the above plus the chemicals that are sometimes found in our water supply, you realize that "pure water" only exists in the lab and not in our pipes.

Drinking water contaminants may not do any damage in the short term but ingesting them over the long term can cause cancer, behavioral disorders, Alzheimer's and other diseases.

Given how important water is to flushing toxins from our bodies, maintaining a healthy weight and overall good health, you realize that you need to do something to ensure your household water supply is as safe and as clean as possible.

One way people try to do this is to buy bottled water. This is a start but one has to be careful. Research conducted by the NRDC found that of the 103 bottled water brands they studied, about 33% of them contained significant contamination. And many of the brands sold were no safer than tap.

This is not what people are expecting when they buy a bottled water. They certainly expect a higher level of purity.

The best way to safeguard your family from dangerous contaminants is to give them filtered water to drink. This has the contaminants removed, that is contaminants that the municipal purification failed to eliminate in the first place.

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