Zojirushi Mini Breadmaker - Is it a Good Idea?

Image : http://www.flickr.com

If you are wondering about the Zojirushi mini breadmaker and whether it is a good idea to get one, there are a few things you have to think about. These points apply equally to any breadmaker you are considering. Read on to see what the points are that you have to think about.

The very first thing you have to think about is the size of your family. The Zojirushi mini breadmaker is ideal for a smaller family. If you have a family of six boys, I do not think one loaf of the bread this machine bakes is going to be enough! On the other hand if you are only two or three in the house, these mini-loafs are ideal. With it you can have fresh homemade bread every day.

Another factor you have to keep in mind is how long ahead you want it to be programmable. Or do you want it to be programmable at all. If you want to wake up to the smell of freshly baked bread every morning, you will want a programmable one that you can set to have the bread ready when you wake up in the morning.

You also have to think about all the other functions of the breadmaker. Do you want to make cake dough and even jam with it? This will also determine your choice. I have even seen recipes for making stew in a breadmaker! I will not do that, my breadmaker is far to valuable and my slow cooker is just fine for that, thank you.

Finally I think whether the Zojirushi Mini Breadmaker is the correct one for you is mainly going to depend on the size of your family.

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