The AF-350 NewAir Swamp Cooler - Product Review and Tips

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Evaporative or swamp coolers are a great way to stay cool and are less expensive than air conditioners.

A large swamp cooler is the AF-350 NewAir Swamp Cooler. It has a very powerful engine that runs on 200W of cooling capacity. The cooling pad has an improved design capable of containing greater amounts of water. This means more cooling in a shorter time.

The NewAir AF-350 has an extra large, 20 liter tank, so as not to fill up every timeas swamp cooler with a smaller tank. It weighs only 22 kilos, so you can easily maneuver around your home. The rolling wheels and a carrying handle also add an extra maneuverability.

There are also electrical controls and a remote control that came with the NewAir AF-350. There are three speed selection and has a ionizer for particulates. A carbon filter helps with any odors that could penetrate your home. There is also an optional filter for TiO2more filtration.

A timer and a power cord rewind are features that operate on the AF-350 even easier. They may need advice to ensure with your best efforts, the swamp cooler. Five ways to maximize the cooling system of the marsh, are:

1. Make sure the window is open, while the swamp cooler is in use. Otherwise, moisture builds up in your house and work your swamp cooler, less effective. Swamp coolers use humidity so cool, ifin the air above, the temperature is not altered.

2. Wait 85 degrees warmer or cooler, if possible, to make the swamp. These devices work best when it gets warmer. The temperature of the cooling pad, water and air are significantly different.

3. Keep your equipment. Make sure everything is clean, especially the filter. The filter is clogged, impurities can get through evaporation and may slow or even stop. It 'very importantPerform maintenance on the radiator in front of a wave of heat sink.

4. Looking for a cooler, energy efficient and has a low amount of water.

5. Operate at the same time an air conditioner and a swamp cooler. If you must use both the swamp cooler to cool the air and add moisture. Then use the air conditioner to maintain the temperature.

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