Bulgarian recipes

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Bulgarian cuisine contains a unique blend of flavors that reflect the country's position in the mixture South East Europe. combining Greek, Turkish and Middle Eastern influences in the local Slavic traditions.Furthermore country, many people say they recognize influences from far away: Hungarian cuisine on the taste of Italy, and just a hint of the Mediterranean.

The first thing visitors will notice is that Bulgaria has its own unique ingredients. These include Kiselevamlyako (literally "sour milk"), which is a yogurt, and SIREN (a salty white cheese from cow, goat or sheep can be produced).

Some popular dishes are traditional Bulgarian:

- Chorba Shkembi - Some Bulgarian tripe soup proud of this statement only as a historical tradition and national level, while as a rude and a bit 'vernacular. The soup is prepared by the stomach lining of cows, with milk and then seasoned with vinegar peppers, garlic and chilli. AfterLegend, if drunk in the morning, can act as a hangover soup.

- Tarator - a cold soup that is eaten often in the warm Black Sea region Tarator made with yogurt, cucumbers, nuts, vegetable oil and water, seasoned with garlic and dill. It is often served cold, sometimes with ice.

- Shopska Salad - A cubic traditional Bulgarian salad vegetables: raw or roasted peppers, tomatoes, cucumbers and onions. The salad is served with bread crumbs or coveredsiren into cubes.

- Lyutika - A type of lettuce offers a mix of peppers, tomatoes and onions, finely ground with a mortar and pestle. Lyutika is seasoned with garlic and parsley, and sometimes with yogurt, siren, hard boiled eggs, or pieces of chicken cooked mixture.

- Loukanka - spicy sausage made from pig or cow (calf) did. The sausage is prepared in a dried cow's intestines and hung to dry for up to 3 months. After drying, it is pressed, and a white mushroomOften allowed to grow on it (the fungus is removed before eating). If Lukana is eaten, it was thinly sliced and served cold.

- Soujouk - A different kind of ham, chorizo sausage. Soujouk minced meat, and can not be eaten cold, but should be cooked before consumption. Because of its high fat content, it can be cooked in its own juice without oil.

- But Elenski - ham, traditionally by Elena in northern Bulgaria.

- BANITS - had a slightly spicy batter friedwith eggs and siren.

- Sarma - A rolled leaf filled with a mixture of spicy ground meat, rice and chopped onions.

- Popara - A meal of dry, maybe a little 'stale bread. The bread with milk, tea or water, a small amount of butter and sugar, and is kajmak (a type of cream), or see siren.

- Gyuvetch - A pot with beef broth, peppers, onions, tomatoes, eggplant, okra e.

- Tsarsko turshiya - Vegetables, CauliflowerCarrots, celery and peppers.

- Turshiya Selska - pickles, cauliflower with onions, geen tomatoes, cabbage, carrots and celery.

In addition to savory dishes, Bulgaria is also home to many desserts. These include:

- Garashi - a walnut cake with cream and dark chocolate, then covered with frosted with chocolate icing.

- Halva - a sweet made of sesame seeds or sunflower oil tahini. There is also a version with a variety of flour and other(Known as "white Halva") based on sugar, which is traditionally eaten just before Lent.

- Kozunak - sweet bread with milk, butter, sugar, eggs, raisins and lemon zest.

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